Account changes

After an account is created, can I change the phone number?

It is not possible to change a number that is registered to the WhatsApp API. If you need to make a change, you should first register the new number and then cancel the subscription for the incorrect number.

Business Approval

What are the requirements for a business to be approved for WhatsApp?

Compliance with WhatsApp policies and use cases that respect the WhatsApp guidelines. WhatsApp requires compliance with the following:

What are possible reasons why my business might not get pre-approval?

a) You offer or sell

  • Illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs, including marijuana

  • Tobacco products and related paraphernalia

  • Unsafe supplements

  • Weapons, ammunition, or explosives

  • Animals

  • Adult items or services

  • Alcohol

  • Adult health items

  • Real money gambling services

  • Goods, items, or posts that we determine may be or are fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or offensive

  • Items or products with overtly sexualized positioning

  • Products or items that facilitate or encourage unauthorized access to digital media which do not comply with Facebook's policies

b) Your audience might be younger than 16.

c) You request a phone number for countries or regions where WhatsApp/Facebook do not operate. See the Blocked Countries list below.

Which countries are blocked from using the WhatsApp Business API?

There are some countries that WhatsApp excludes from communicating with WhatsApp for Business numbers. Phone numbers from the following countries are blocked:

  • Crimea (+7978)

  • Cuba (+53)

  • Iran (+98)

  • North Korea (+850)

  • Syria (+963)


Can I access the profile picture (=avatar) of the WhatsApp user?

No, there is no such feature.

Can I use location sharing?

WhatsApp Business API supports location sharing, but real-time location sharing is currently unsupported and will result in “Message type is unsupported”.

Can my API accounts message another API account?

No, that is not possible. Since the API system is a programming language, accounts that are connected to an API system can only message accounts that are connected to an APP system, and not to another API system.

Last updated